123 Fun MUSIC Games App Reviews

62 add


My little girl love this game it makes eating out less drama.

Grand babies

My grand babies love this app. I just dnt like the ads at the bottom because the babies constantly hitting it and I have to get the screen back to where they was.

Fun and easy

Worth buying the full version. My two year old can use it and is entertained .


Great game for toddlers

Awesome app!

Grabs the attention of babies and puts a smile on their faces! :)

Grandson loves it!

My grandson is 2 years old & musically incline. He loves it and it has help me decide what instruments he loves the most. Great app!

7 month old loves it

My 7 month old loves it!!

Grand baby loves this:-)

Great app for toddlers!

Its okay.

Weve had this app for several months. Our two year old opens and plays it occasionally, but not for long....


The special needs children I work with LOVE it! They especially love seeing the music notes come out of the instrument!

Great App

I love this App and so do my kids, it is a great intro to music and different sounds and instruments for little ones!!!!

Fun for kids

Simple enough for my 1 year old to play and entertaining enough for my 3 year old. A good variety of choices


My grandchildren love this app. Even the older kids will play with it, myself included!

Would be 5 star BUT

My 11 mo grandson loves this app. It is wonderful. EXCEPT the add button is in such a prominent position that little fingers cannot help but hit it. This results in confusion & anger when the game quits & takes off to something he doesnt understand. Please move to a less accessable position or we will have to quit playing. It is unnecessary frustration for the child!

Fun but wont update, open, or anything

My 2 year old grandson loved this little app, until one day it said to update. It stopped and froze up just that during the update. To make matters worse, it always showed up as waiting to download, which it wasnt, and I couldnt even delete it or update it or anything. Now it is not in my apps, but in my purchased apps it shows it is. If I try to go to it I only get the option to open it, which I cannot do since it suddenly disappeared one day.. So now my grandson always asks to play it, and I dont have a clue what to do..... Anyone???? Any suggestions!!????


I got this for my 18 mouth granddaughter , she loves it!

Why is there gun rights banner popping up on a childs game?

My son is only 4...keeps asking about that banner

Good for my kids

Nice but too many ads, just play offline


Very entertaining

No audio

Ive deleted and downloaded this app 3 times, restarted my phone twice, but there is no audio

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